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Signed, sealed, delivered...still broOOoookeeeee... mic drop

My overall experience has been very much of a test and a lesson all in one. Since the day I arrived I have been in training, I arrived with £200 to my name due to issues with my finances in every area; loans I gave to family members that didn’t make it back to me (most valid reasons), student finance coordinators freely giving misleading information, Erasmus bursary not coming through (now into week four), Student high achievement bursary hasn’t come through.

And so in all this although I have received training and had an amazing upbringing from my first teachers being Mummy, Daddy, Aunties, Uncles, friends and influential teachers it still hit me that this journey is of a great one. The immense change of living at home, still very responsible, to then living alone in a country of boundless heat' struggling to pay rent, walking miles on end to merely catch a 15 minute bus ride; has in return showed me to be grateful for the first world country I was born into.

It’s a slight gift in the disguise of bruised feet. I have made friends I already had back home but had to leave home to meet them. This experience is heightening my level of

“there is only so much I can take”

as well as giving me the understanding of reality to not take certain phrases for granted such as "I'm hungry" or "I'm tired".

My failure to cook has gone from cooking potential with your girlfriend that seasons her fish fingers to being called MamaD with those Collard Greens and Pig Feet.

No doubt God has taken me to new levels. I had to think on my feet to find the ugly post box you see at the top of this (get it ha haaa). And thanks to this ugly receiver/deliverer that I have now christened my reliever... I am out of the mud and student finance has come throughhhh yassss only took ya 6 weeks.

No doubt when you see me on snappitty snap chat I'm lively but that's because I won't allow a small change to backseat me but rather complete me.Week 4.

Romans 8:5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

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